Program Help

Table of Contents


A1c - Show equivalent mg/dL and mmol/mol values given HbA1c percent.
Usage: A1c [-r] X
       A1c -h|--help|-v|--version
       A1c -r BG
   -r  X is a blood glucose level in mg/dL to show A1c and mmol/mol for
   -h  show this help message
   -v  show A1c's author, version and date
X is the percent value of the HbA1c test (without a percent sign), or blood
glucose level in mg/dL.
X must be between 2.0 and 30.0, or for -r between 11 and 814.


bitCounter Counts the zero bits and one bits in 'file' or redirected
standard input.
    bitCounter [-V] [file ...]
    bitCounter -h
    bitCounter -v
    myprog | bitCounter [-V]
    -V (Verbose) show column headings
    -h show this help message
    -v show the program version information
Output format: ZeroBitsCount OneBitsCount Ratio CharacterCount filename


charFreq - count the various characters in the input and output a list of
character frequencies.  charFreq assumes 8-bit characters.
Usage:  charFreq [-r] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]
        charFreq [-h|-v]
Optional INFILE and OUTFILE are file names to read from and write to.
Other options:
     -r      use an alternative output format (no freqencies)
     -h      show this help message
     -v      show program version number, date, author, email, compile date


cnl (Convert NewLines) - Universal conversion of line endings in text.
The input can contain any combination of line endings.
Usage: cnl [-w|--Windows|-l|--Linux|-m|--Oldmac] [-p|--preserve-dates]
                         [-V|--verbose] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]
       cnl [-w|--Windows|-l|--Linux|-m|--Oldmac] [-p|--preserve-dates]
                         [-V|--verbose] FILE... DIRECTORY
       cnl -i|--in-place [-s|--subdirs] [-p|--preserve-dates] [-V|--verbose]
                         [-w|--Windows|-l|--Linux|-m|--Oldmac] FILE...
       cnl -h|--help|-v|--version
  FILE      - one or more files to convert
  DIRECTORY - convert FILE(s) into directory DIRECTORY
  INFILE  - the optional name of a file to read as input
  OUTFILE - the optional name of a file to write as output
  -h, --help:     show this help message
  -i, --in-place: overwrite each file with its converted file
  -w, --Windows:  use Windows line endings (CRLF) in the output
  -l, --Linux:    use Linux line endings (LF) in the output
  -m, --Oldmac:   use old Mac line endings (CR) in the output
  -p, --preserve-time
     preserve the file modification time and date
  -s, --subdirs
     also process matching files in subdirectories (requires option -i)
  -V, --verbose:  display each file's name as it is processed
  -v, --version:  show cnl's version, date, author and email address
Only one of options -w, -l and -m can be used at a time.  If none of -w,
-l and -m is given the system default line ending is used.  Options -p
and -s require option -i.


crs detects CRs, LFs, CRLFs and LFCRs in ASCII and UTF-8 FILE(s).
It reports whether each file has each type of line ending, and shows the total
number of files containing each type of line ending.
Usage: crs [-s|--subdirs] [-n|--no-separator] [-V|--verbose]
                [--cr] [--lf] [--crlf] [--lfcr] [--mixed] [FILE [...]]
       crs -h|--help|-v|--version
  -s, --subdirs       include matching files in subdirectories
  -n, --no-separator  don't add thousands separators to numbers
  --cr                show files with carriage return
  --lf                show files with line feed
  --crlf              show files with carriage return/line feed
  --lfcr              show files with line feed/carriage return
  --mixed             show files with more than one type of line ending
  -h, --help          show this help message
  -v, --version       show crs's version, date, author and email address
  -V, --verbose       show failing file's names at the end of the output
  FILE can include shell wildcards *, ? and [^]
If none of --cr, --lf, --crlf, --lfcr or --mixed is chosen, all matching files
will be shown.
Protect wildcard names on Linux with single quotes.  Wildcards work differently
between subdirs and non-subdirs invocations of crs.
Using -s or --subdirs with 'somepath/*.c' will count all files ending
with '.c' in directory somepath and all of its children directories.
Don't use wildcard directory names with -s and --subdirs.
Wildcard directory names used without -s and --subdirs will match directories
to exactly the depth specified by the number of / in the specified path.
So 'crs */*/*.c' will include all files ending in '.c' exactly two directory
levels down.


cutMiddleBytes - Cut the middle from the input and send the ends to the output.
Usage: cutMiddleBytes [-m] Startbyte Stopbyte[ infile[ outfile]]
       cutMiddleBytes [-hH?vV]
"Startbyte" indicates the middle's first byte.
"Stopbyte"  indicates the middle's last  byte.
If "Stopbyte" is -1 it will be set to the end of the input.
Option -m keeps the middle instead of the two ends.
The other options (-hH?vV), show this help or version.
The input begins with byte number 1.
Example:   CutMiddleBytes 100 300 file1.dat file2.dat
would copy all bytes except bytes 100 through 300 from file1.dat to


detab - replace tab characters with runs of space characters.
Usage: detab [-n[ ]NUM] [-l|--leading-only] [infile [outfile]]
       detab -i|--in-place [-l|--leading-only] [-p|--preserve-dates]
                       [-n[ ]NUM] [-V|--verbose] [file ...]
       detab [-h|-v]
  infile  - name of a text file to read from
  outfile - name of a file to write to
  -nNUM is a tab spacing (it defaults to -n4), e.g., "-n4" or "-n 8".
  -i process in-place all files named on the command line
  -p preserve the original file's modified and accessed times
  -l expand tabs within leading blanks only
  -V print each file's name as it is processed
  -h shows this help message
  -v shows detab's version, date, author and compile date/time
Environment variable 'DETAB_SPACING' may be set to adjust the tab spacing;
no literal "-n" is allowed in the environment variable's value.  A tab setting
of less than 1 is not permitted in any case.


entab - replace runs of space characters with tab characters.
Usage: entab [-n[ ]NUM] [infile [outfile]]
       entab -i|--in-place [-p|--preserve-dates] [-V|--verbose]
                              file [...]
       entab [-h|-v]
Options -
  infile  - name of a text file to read from
  outfile - name of an file to write to
  -nNUM is a tab spacing (it defaults to -n4), e.g., "-n4" or "-n 8".
  -i process in-place all files named on the command line
  -p preserve the original file's modified and accessed times
  -V print each file's name as it is processed
  -h shows this help message
  -v shows entab's version, date, author and compile date/time
Environment variable 'ENTAB_SPACING' may be set to adjust the tab spacing;
no literal "-n" is allowed in the environment variable's value.  A tab setting
of less than 1 is not permitted in any case.


eq - A Go program to show equivalent values in several bases and ASCII.
Usage: eq [-a|-b|-o|-x] [-c|-n] N
       eq -t
       eq -h|--help|-v|--version
  -a    N is an ASCII character such as 'A' or 'a', or 'LF' (line feed)
  -b    N is a binary number
  -o    N is an octal number
  -x    N is a hexadecimal number		
  -c    show the one's complement equivalent values
  -n    show the negative (two's complement) equivalent values
  -t    show an ASCII table
  -h, --help
        show this help message
  -v, --version
        show the program's version and date
N is a number or an ASCII character.  N's base defaults to decimal.  N must
be a positive integer and less than 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (2^64).
N can include commas if numeric, and if quoted it can include spaces; they
are ignored.  Options -b, -o and -x change N's base.  For option -a, upper
& lower case are ignored except for single ASCII characters, such as 'r'
vs. 'R'.  ASCII control code characters can be represented as 'LF',
'CR', 'ACK', and so on.  N is treated as a 64-bit value to show
equivalents for it.


escape_html - filter to change & < > " ' to character entities.
Usage: escape_html [-m MAX_BYTES] [INFILE[ OUTFILE]]
       escape_html [-m MAX_BYTES] [-V] -i FILE [...] 
       escape_html [-h|-v]
Options: -i         escape FILE in place
         -V         show file names as processed for option -i
         -m         limit output to MAX_BYTES bytes (defaults to unlimited)
         -h         show this help message
         -v         show program version number and date


EvolvoType - Evolve a phrase by keeping random, correct characters.
This demonstrates how evolution works quickly by retaining good qualities.
  EvolvoType [-u|--update-period updatePeriod] "your phrase here"
  EvolvoType [-u|--update-period updatePeriod] -s|--standard-input
  EvolvoType -v
  EvolvoType -h
  -u updatePeriod - how many tries between displaying the phrase
  -s              - read the phrase from standard input
  -h              - show this help message
  -v              - show EvolvoType's version, date, author and compile time
Non-alphabetic/non-space characters will be changed to spaces.
If "-u updatePeriod" is specified, it must be > 0 and sets how may tries
are made between displaying the phrase.  If updatePeriod is not specified
the display will not be updated until the phrase is completely evolved.


file2Carray - Read binary data from a file (or redirected stdin) and write an
equivalent C char array to a file (or stdout).
file2Carray 1.30 (2022-08-22) by Ron Charlton <>.
Usage:  file2Carray [infile[ outfile]]
Usage:  file2Carray -h|--help


genfile - write COUNT 'A' characters to standard output or a named file.
Usage: genfile [-t|--time] [-r|--random|-p PH|--phrase PH] COUNT [filename]
       genfile -h|--help|-v|--version
COUNT - the number of capital A letters to write to the output.
  filename - the name of a file to write output.
  -p PH write COUNT repeats of phrase PH instead of writing 'A's
  -r    write COUNT pseudorandom bytes instead of writing 'A's
  -t    show genfile runtime and byte rate when done
  -h    show this help message
  -v    show the program version, date, author and email address
Phrase PH can include escape codes such as "\n", "\r", "\t", "\\", "\x1f", etc.
Output is written in binary (not text) mode.
Options -r|--random uses high quality pseudorandom bytes.
COUNT must be between 1 and about 9 billion billions.


jumblist - Unscramble jumbled letters to find the word contained therein.
Usage: jumblist [-a ALTJUMBLIST] LETTERS
       jumblist [-a ALTJUMBLIST] -c
       jumblist [-a ALTJUMBLIST] -w FILENAME
       jumblist -h|--help|-v|--version
  -a ALTJUMBLIST   the name of an alternate word list to use
  -o               show a count of acceptable words in the word list and quit
  -c               show copyright for SCOWL internal word list 
  -w FILENAME      write the word list file to a file named FILENAME and quit
  -h, --help       show this help message
  -v, --version    show jumblist's version
  LETTERS  The jumbled letters to unscramble
jumblist will unscramble jumbled letters to form a word.  Type the scrambled
letters after jumblist on the command line.  The results will go to standard
output. The default word list is internal to jumblist. Option -a may be used to
specify an alternate word list to use. The word list file must contain one word
per line. Case is ignored in the word list; lines with non-alphabetic
characters are also ignored. ALTJUMBLIST can be the name of a gzip- or
bzip2-compressed file or a plain text file. An alternate word list also may be
chosen with environment variable JUMBLISTWORDS. Option -a has priority over the
environment variable.


lcase - filter to set all letters to lower [upper|swap] case.
Usage: lcase [-u|-s] [-o ourfile] [infile [outfile]]
       lcase [-h|-v]
options: -u     convert all to uppercase rather than lower
         -s     swap upper and lower case
         -h     show this message
         -v     show program version number and date
If options -u and -s are used together the final one will have precedence.


letterFreq - count the letters in ASCII input and show a sorted list of letter
frequencies.  letterFreq checks for ASCII input (but see option -a).
  letterFreq [-a] [-s] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]
  letterFreq -h|-v
  INFILE  - read input from the named file instead of from standard input
  OUTFILE - write output to the named file instead of to standard output
  -a      - allow ANSI characters
  -s      - sort output alphabetically rather than by frequency
  -h      - show this help message
  -v      - show program version number & date, author and compile date & time


locc counts lines of C, C++ or Go source code in FILE(s) or standard input.
locc ignores comment-only lines and blank lines to give an accurate count for
lines of non-comment C, C++ or Go source code.  CVS and RCS directories are
Usage: locc [-s|--subdirs] [-n|--no-separator] [FILE [...]]
       locc -h|--help|-v|--version
  -s, --subdirs       include matching files in subdirectories
  -n, --no-separator  don't include thousands separators in counts
  -h, --help          show this help message
  -v, --version       show locc's version, date, author and email address
  FILE can include shell wildcards *, ? and [^]
Protect wildcard names on Linux with single quotes.  Wildcards work differently
between subdirs and non-subdirs invocations of locc.
Using -s or --subdirs with 'somepath\*.c' will count all files ending
with '.c' in directory somepath and all of its children directories.
Don't use wildcard directory names with -s and --subdirs.
Wildcard directory names used without -s and --subdirs will match directories
to exactly the depth specified by the number of / in the specified path.
So 'locc */*/*.c' will include all files ending in '.c' exactly two directory
levels down.


middle - extract lines from the middle of a text file.
Copy lines from the middle of one text file to another file.
Usage: middle Startline Endline[ infile[ outfile]]
       middle -h|--help|-v
  -h, --help  show this help message
  -v          show program version and date
  infile      input file name
  outfile     output file name
Startline must be 1 or greater. Endline must be equal to or greater than
Startline, or zero for unlimited end.  Both must be less than


PhoneWords - Convert a phone number into English words (and residual digits).
%! (string=PhoneWords)-w FILENAME
PhoneWords -h|--help|-v|--version
  -m MINLEN        minimum length of words to find (1-12)
  -a ALTWORDLIST   the name of an alternate word list to use
  -w FILENAME      write the word list file to a file named FILENAME and quit
  -c               show copyright for SCOWL internal word list 
  -h, --help       show this help message
  -v, --version    show PhoneWords's version
  PHONENUMBER  The phone number to find words in; non-digits are ignored.
PhoneWords will find all English words at least MINLEN letters long in a phone
number, and retain any residual digits in the number. MINLEN defaults to 3.
PhoneWords will send its output to the program named in environment variable
PAGER if PAGER is defined, otherwise the output goes to standard output. The
default word list file is internal to PhoneWords. ALTWORDLIST may specify an
alternate word list to use. The word list file must contain one word per line.
Case is ignored in the word list; lines with non-alphabetic characters are also
ignored. ALTWORDLIST may specify a gzip- or bzip2-compressed file or a plain
text file. An alternate word list may be chosen with environment variable
PHONEWORDSLIST. Option -a has priority over the environment variable. No more
than 12 digits are allowed in the phone number.


remcomments removes comments from C, C++ and Go source code.
Usage: remcomments [INFILE [OUTFILE]]
       remcomments [-V|-verbose] FILE[ ...] DIRECTORY
       remcomments -i|--in-place [-p|--preserve-time] [-V|-verbose] FILE...
       remcomments -h|--help|-v|--version
  -h, --help
     show this help message
  -i, --in-place
     process each FILE named on the command line in place
  -p, --preserve-time
     preserve the FILE modification time with option -i
  -v, --version
     show the program's version and date
  -V, --verbose
     display each FILE name as it is processed
Whitespace around comments is not removed.


retab changes tab sizes between its input and output.
Usage: retab [-l] [-f FNUM] [-t TNUM] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]
       retab [-l] [-f FNUM] [-t TNUM] [-V] FILE... DIRECTORY
       retab [-l] [-f FNUM] [-t TNUM] 
                -i|--in-place [-p|--preserve-time] [-V|-verbose] FILE...
       retab -h|--help|-v|--version
  -h, --help
     show a useful help message
  -i, --in-place
     overwrite each file with its retabbed file
  -l, --leading-only
     stop detabbing a line after a non-blank character occurs in it
  -p, --preserve-time
     preserve the FILE modification time when using option -i
  -f FNUM, --from-tab-size FNUM
     FNUM sets the number of columns between tab stops in input (default is 8)
  -t TNUM, --to-tab-size TNUM
     TNUM sets the number of columns between tab stops in output (default is 4)
  -V, --verbose
     display each FILE name as it is processed
  -v, --version
     show the program's version and date
Options -l and --leading-only stop detabbing a line after the first non-blank
character in that line.


reverseFile - reverse the line order from text input and write the lines out.
Usage: reverseFile [-m MAX_BYTES] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]
       reverseFile [-h|-v]
  -m MAX_BYTES, --max-bytes MAX_BYTES
           the maximum amount of memory to use, including overhead;
           the default doesn't limit memory
  INFILE   the optional name of a file to read as input
  OUTFILE  the optional name of a file to write as output
  -h, --help
           show this help message
   -v, --version
           show program name, version, date, author and compile time
If INFILE is not specified, or is '-', read standard input.  If OUTFILE is not
specified, or is '-', write to standard output.


RonTime - Time a command to microsecond accuracy, up to ~28 years, while
providing file wildcard globbing to that command.
The reported time is wall-clock time, and does not include the overhead of
searching the path for the command and starting it.
Usage: RonTime command_name [argument [...]]
       RonTime -h|--anything|-v
command_name - name of command to run or document to open
argument     - optional argument(s) to pass to the command or with
               the document
    -h  - show this help message
    -v  - show RonTime's version, date, author and compile date/time
Wildcards (*?) may be used in file names.


sha3sum - display SHA-3 message digest(s) for FILE(s) or standard input.
Usage: sha3sum [-b BITS|--bits=BITS] [-s|--subdirs] [-u|--uppercase] [FILE ...]
       sha3sum -h|--help|-v|--version
  -b BITS, --bits BITS set the digest's size in bits; BITS can be one of
       224, 256, 384 or 512.  BITS defaults to 512.  Environment variable
       SHA3SUMLEN can be used to set BITS.  The command line -b/--bits
       options will override the environment variable.
  -u, --uppercase  use upper case A-F in the digest
  -s, --subdirs    include matching files in subdirectories
  -h, --help       show this help message
  -v, --version    show sha3sum's version, date, author and email address
FILE may include wildcards *, ? and [^].
On Linux protect wildcard names with single quotes.  Wildcards work
differently between subdirs and non-subdirs invocations of sha3sum.
Using -s or --subdirs with 'somepath/*.c' will hash all files ending
with '.c' in directory somepath and all of its children directories.
Using wildcard directory names won't work with -s or --subdirs.
Wildcard directory names without -s or --subdirs will hash files that
match directories to exactly the depth specified by the number of / in
the specified path. So 'sha3sum */*/*.c' will hash all files ending in '.c'
exactly two directory levels down.


shake256 - provide a 512-bit SHAKE256 hash for FILE(s) or standard input.
Usage: shake256 [-s|--subdirs] [FILE [...]]
       shake256 -h|--help|-v|--version
  -s, --subdirs   include matching files in subdirectories
  -h . --help     show this help message
  -v, --version   show shake256's version, date, author and email address.
FILE may include wildcards *, ? and [^].
Protect wildcard names on Linux with single quotes.  Wildcards work
differently between subdirs and non-subdirs invocations of shake256.
Using -s or --subdirs with 'somepath/*.c' will hash all files ending
with '.c' in directory somepath and all of its children directories.
Using wildcard directory names won't work with -s and --subdirs.
Wildcard directory names without -s or --subdirs will hash files that
match directories to exactly the depth specified by the number of / in
the specified path. So 'shake256 */*/*.c' will hash all files ending in '.c'
exactly two directory levels down.


shuffleBytes - shuffle the order of bytes in a file to a new file or in-place.
Usage: shuffleBytes [-b COUNT]] [--seed SEED] [-p] [-V] [INFILE [OUTFILE]]
       shuffleBytes [-b COUNT]] [--seed SEED] [-p] [-V] FILE... DIRECTORY
       shuffleBytes -i [-b COUNT] [--seed SEED] [-s] [-p] [-V] FILE[ ...]
       shuffleBytes -h|-v
  FILE...   - one or more files to convert
  DIRECTORY - convert FILE... into the directory named DIRECTORY
  INFILE    - the name of a file to read as input
  OUTFILE   - the name of a file to write as output
  -i, --in-place: overwrite each FILE with its own shuffled contents
  -b COUNT, --bit-shuffle COUNT
     Also shuffle the bits within chunks of the file.
     All of the bits within a chunk are shuffled together, with each chunk
     being COUNT bytes long.  If COUNT is 0 then it is set to the length
     of the input.  A good value for COUNT is 8 bytes.  Options -b and
     --bit-shuffle require 8 times COUNT bytes of extra memory.
  --seed SEED:  Set a 64-bit integer seed value for repeatable shuffles.
     If SEED is not set then it has a "random" value based on a
     cryptographic PRN source.  Do not set a seed value of zero.
  -p, --preserve-time:  preserve the file modification date and time
  -s, --subdirs
     also process matching files in subdirectories (requires option -i)
  -V, --verbose:  display each file's name as it is processed
  -h, --help:     show this help message
  -v, --version:  show shuffleBytes's version, date, author & email address


sleep_seconds - the decimal (real) number of seconds to sleep.  Sleep_seconds'
range is 1 microsecond to 2,147,483,647.999... seconds (about 68 years).
Usage: sleepSecs sleep_seconds
       sleepSecs [-h|-?|-v]
Options -v and -h show version and this help message, respectively.
Examples: sleepSecs 2147483647
          sleepSecs 1.5
          sleepSecs 0.000001


text2Cstring - Read text from infile or stdin, and write an equivalent C string
to outfile or stdout.  text2Cstring relies on the C compiler concatenating
C string literals separated only by whitespace.
Usage:  text2Cstring [-n variablename|--name variablename] [infile [outfile]]
        text2Cstring -h|--help
        text2Cstring -v|--version
    -n, --name     Variable name for the C string (defaults to "text")
    -h, --help     Show this help message
    -v, --version  Show text2Cstring's version, date, author and compile time
    'infile'       Optional name of a text file to be read
    'outfile'      Optional name of an output file for the C string


timeleft - Show your life expectancy and probability of dying within one year.
Usage: timeleft [-m|-f] [-b BIRTHDATE] [-a ALTDATALIST]
       timeleft -d
       timeleft -w FILENAME
       timeleft -h|--help|-v|--version
  -b BIRTHDATE     your birthdate in format YYYY-MM-DD
  -f               your sex is female
  -m               your sex is male
  -a ALTDATALIST   the name of an alternate data file to use
  -d               show an abbreviated example data file format
  -w FILENAME      write the data file to a file named FILENAME and exit
  -h, --help       show this help message
  -v, --version    show timeleft's version, date, author, author email
timeleft will show your life expectancy updated every second. A birthdate must
be given with option -b or with environment variable BIRTHDATE. The birthdate
must have format YYYY-MM-DD. A sex must be chosen with option -m (male), -f
(female), or with environment variable SEX beginning with "m" (male) or "f"
(female). A default data file is internal to timeleft. Data is from for 2020, retrieved July 2023.
Option -a may specify an alternate data file to use; a plain text file, see
option -d and option -w. Or an alternate data file may be chosen with
environment variable TIMELEFTDATA. See option -d. Options have priority over
environment variables.


unescape_html - restore & < > " ' from character entities in HTML code.
Usage: unescape_html [-m MAX_BYTES] [INFILE[ OUTFILE]]
       unescape_html [-m MAX_BYTES] [-V] -i FILE [...] 
       unescape_html [-h|-v]
Options: -i         unescape FILE in place
         -V         show file names as processed for option -i
         -m         limit output to MAX_BYTES bytes (defaults to unlimited)
         -h         show this help message
         -v         show program version number and date


unfold - replace newlines with spaces in blocks of text delimited by blank
lines.  Leading and trailing whitespace in each input line is stripped.
Usage: unfold [-k|--keep-whitespace] [-n|--no-space-between] [infile [outfile]]
       unfold -i|--in-place [-p|--preserve-dates] [-V|--verbose]
              [-k|--keep-whitespace] [-n|--no-space-between] file [...]
       unfold [-h|--help|-v|--version]
   infile  - the optional name of a file to read as input. May be '-'.
   outfile - the optional name of a file to write as output. May be '-'.
   -i process in-place all files named on the command line
   -p preserve the original file's modified and accessed times
   -k keep leading and trailing whitespace on each joined line
   -n no added space between joined lines
   -h show this help message
   -v show the program name, version, date, author and compile time
   -V list file names as they are processed
Options -p and -V can be used only with option -i.


wildspeller finds words matching a wild card spelling or a guess at a spelling.
Usage: wildspeller [-a ALTWORDLIST] [-e] [-V] [-m MAXLEN] WORD
wildspeller -w FILENAME
wildspeller -h|--help|-v|--version
  -a ALTWORDLIST   the name of an alternate word list to use
  -e               be more exact with consonant sounds-alike matching
  -V               encode vowels when doing sounds-alike matching
  -n MAXRESULTS    narrow search if there are more than MAXRESULTS
  -m MAXLEN        limit length of comparison keys to MAXLEN (default is 6)
  -w FILENAME      write the word list to a file named FILENAME and quit
  -h, --help       show this help message
  -v, --version    show wildspeller's version
  -c, --copyright  show copyright for wildspeller's internal SCOWL word list
  WORD - a guess at a spelling or a close spelling containing *? wild cards

wildspeller will find English words matching a wild card spelling of a word or
matching the sound of a spelling without wild cards. Be sure to protect wild
card entries with single quotes on Linux or macOS. Wild card '*' matches any
number of any characters; '?' matches exactly any one character.  Use options
-e and/or -V to reduce the number of results when there are too many with
sounds-alike matching. wildspeller will send long output to the program named
in environment variable PAGER if PAGER is defined, otherwise the output goes to
standard output. The default word list is internal to wildspeller. ALTWORDLIST
may specify an alternate word list to use. The word list file must contain one
word per line and be UTF-8 encoded. ALTWORDLIST may specify a gzip- or
bzip2-compressed file or a plain text file. An alternate word list may be
chosen with environment variable WILDSPELLERLIST. Option -a has priority over
the environment variable.


wrapText - wrap the lines in a file to a margin, either in-place or to a
new file.  Wrapping occurs at whitespace unless option -n/--not-space is given.
Usage: wrapText [-p|--preserve-dates] [-n|--not-space]
                    [-m|--margin] [-V|--verbose] INFILE OUTFILE
       wrapText [-p|--preserve-dates] [-n|--not-space]
                    [-m MARGIN|--margin MARGIN] [-V|--verbose] FILE... DIRECTORY
       wrapText -i|--in-place [-s|--subdirs] [-p|--preserve-dates]
                    [-n|--not-space] [-m|--margin] [-V|--verbose] FILE[ ...]
       wrapText -h|--help|-v|--version
  FILE...   - one or more files to convert
  DIRECTORY - convert FILE... into the directory named DIRECTORY
  INFILE    - the name of a file to read as input
  OUTFILE   - the name of a file to write as output
  -h, --help:     show this help message
  -i, --in-place: overwrite each file with its own wrapped contents
  -p, --preserve-time
     preserve the file modification time and date
  -s, --subdirs
     also process matching files in subdirectories (requires option -i)
  -m MARGIN, --margin MARGIN  
     wrap lines to MARGIN.  MARGIN must be greater than 0 and defaults to 79
  -n, -not-space: wrap at MARGIN instead of at whitespace 
  -V, --verbose:  display each file's name as it is processed
  -v, --version:  show wrapText's version, date, author & email address
Option -s require option -i.


Xdebt - show USA public debt and your share of it.
Use: Xdebt
     Xdebt --version


Document last revised: 2024-03-12